TheraVid Awesomeness: Search by Diagnosis


We try our darnedest to keep from talking about our products on this blog.  But, every once in a while, we like to share cool things that you can do with TheraVid when creating home exercise programs.

One such cool thing is being able to search for exercises based on a given diagnosis.

Check out the video below to see how:


We’re PT’s ourselves, and we know that making anything a few minutes quicker can have huge implications on your day.  Breathe easy, we’ve got you covered.

TheraVid is physical therapy’s first smart database. Meaning, it gets to know you the longer you use it.

Surprisingly, we believe that any software you use shouldn’t frustrate the hell out of you… we think that it should, you know, make your life easier.  

After creating each exercise routine, you have the option of adding in a patient’s diagnosis.  We’ve made it easy to do by adding every ICD9 diagnosis known to man into our database.  So, you can start typing in low back pain, LBP, or (for you veterans out there) 724.2 and the diagnosis will pop up.  All you have to do is press submit, and we do the rest.

The next time you’re creating an HEP, you can search by diagnosis, and check out the Top 15 Exercises for that given diagnosis.  You can filter your results by:

  • Your Personal Top 15
  • Your Clinics Top 15
  • All TheraVid User’s Top 15

Just one of the many ways that we’ve used smart design and technology to make your life easier.

If you’re digging what you’re seeing and want to check out everything we have to offer, sign up for a free demo and we’ll give you a full look under the hood.

In this article