Myofascial release is a form of manual therapy frequently used in massage. The technique involves gentle, sustained, applied pressure to the fascia, a type of connective tissue that covers most human body structures, including muscles, and resembles densely woven webbing. The pressure and the manner in which it’s applied can alleviate any restrictions in the tissue, thus reducing pain and restoring muscle function and movement. During therapy treatment, a physical therapist may perform myofascial release for muscle pain and/or stiffness. By applying light pressure, the therapist can pinpoint soft tissue areas that feel stiff rather than elastic. Upon applying the myofascial release technique, which involves slowly administered and focused pressure and stretching, the therapist loosens the fascia thus alleviating tension and improving mobility. Note that the therapist may perform the technique not in the direct spot where the patient feels pain as the pain may be the result of a fascial restriction located elsewhere. Unlike traditional massage myofascial release does not involve oils or lotions as these can detract from accurately pinpointing restrictions in the tissue and hinder the therapist from applying the correct amount of sustained pressure. Therapist may perform myofascial release to alleviate muscle pain and help with muscle injuries, pelvic health issue such as incontinence, carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia, migraines, plantar fasciitis, myofascial pain syndrome, and many other diseases and conditions.