Zero Balancing (ZB) is a mind-body holistic therapy that integrates principles from applied osteopathy and traditional Chinese medicine. This practice is designed to engage and balance energy and structure within the body, releasing tension that would otherwise, over time, cause you physical and emotional pain.
Best implemented in conjunction with medical therapy, Zero Balancing supports your body’s natural healing processes. ZB also promotes total wholeness and well-being for the mind, body, and spirit.
Practitioners focus on your specific needs: how your body and mind feel, and what you hope to gain from each Zero Balancing session. They apply gentle pressure to the tension points in your bones, joints, and soft tissue. The pressure helps to clear blocks and align your body with your energy flow for optimal balance.
It’s best to wear loose, comfortable clothing to a Zero Balancing session. You can expect to remain fully clothed while you lay on a bodywork table during each 30-45 minute session.
Appropriate for both ongoing and occasional treatment, Zero Balancing can improve your quality of life by relieving general aches, pain, and emotional distress. It can also provide specific treatment for back pain, sleep and focus issues, and anxiety.