Dizziness and giddiness are extremely common symptoms. In fact, two to eight million adults experience some form of dizziness each year. The most common cause of dizziness and giddiness include inner ear issues, neurological disorders, and heart conditions. An initial evaluation to identify the cause of dizziness and giddiness (which, in this case, refers to a sensation of spinning and a tendency to fall) may include a urinalysis to check for infection; blood tests to check for anaemia and measure blood glucose levels and renal functioning; an ECG to check for arrhythmia; and a CT or MRI scan to evaluate brain functioning. Surgery is rarely appropriate to address dizziness and giddiness except to treat severe complications of chronic middle ear disease, an acoustic neuroma, or trauma. Often vestibular rehabilitation that includes an exercise program to desensitize the balance system is the most appropriate form of treatment. However, it completely depends on the underlying cause of the dizziness and giddiness. Dizziness and giddiness also can be brought on by a panic attack, which stimulates the flight-or-fight response and floods the system with adrenaline. Unlike in other conditions, though, the giddiness and dizziness that occur during a panic attack subside when the attack does.