Bone spurs are small, pointy outgrowths that develop in inflamed or injured areas. The body produces extra bone in response to unusual pressure or tension. This can happen as a result of a degenerative disease, like arthritis, or if a tendon can no longer handle the flexibility required to perform daily activities. Spurs often cause pain, numbness, tenderness, and weakness. Although, some bone spurs produce no symptoms. Ankle spur treatment emphasizes reducing inflammation and avoiding re-injury. Rest, ice, and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication may help. However, it may take months to a year for full symptom relief. Physical therapy treatment of ankle spurs focuses on the source of the problem and may involve weight loss to reduce pressure on the ankle joint, stretching of the surrounding area, and ultrasound. The physical therapist also may recommend changing footwear or using pads to cushion the ankle and prevent further irritation. In rare cases, surgery may be necessary. This might involve removing part of the bone or lengthening the tendon. To reduce the risk of developing ankle spurs, be sure to strengthen and stretch tendons, including those in the hamstrings, calves, and quads. Physical therapists also recommend performing exercises such as swimming and bicycling to avoid putting undue pressure on the joints and tendons.