While the most common bursitis locations are elbow, hip, and shoulder, this painful condition also can occur in the knee, heel, and big toe. Typically, bursitis affects joints that perform repetitive motion or ones that endure repeated irritation. Some common causes include throwing a baseball, leaning on the elbows, or sitting or kneeling on hard floors. Certain medical conditions—such as diabetes, arthritis, and gout—can increase the chances of developing bursitis. Occupations that require repetitive motion or place pressure on the joints also can increase the risk—as can age (although people of any age can develop bursitis). The most common symptoms of bursitis include achy or stiff joints; pain that increases when the joint is moved; and a swollen and red appearance. If the pain is disabling, lasts more than two weeks, or occurs along with bruising, rash, or fever, immediate medical attention may be necessary. Treatment typically involves resting the area and protecting it from further injury. Doctors may prescribe steroid injections as well as an antibiotic—if the bursa is caused by an infection. Physical therapy also may be recommended to strengthen the surrounding muscles, ease pain, and prevent a reoccurrence. In most cases of bursitis, pain goes away within a few weeks.