Neck pain (also known as cervical pain) is an extremely common symptom and can occur as a result of a wide range of disorders and conditions, including degenerative disc disease, whiplash, a pinched nerve, viral and bacterial infections, and fibromyalgia. While some of these causes can’t be prevented, strengthening exercises and wearing a neck brace can prevent the occurrence of neck pain as a result of contact sports. Most people experience neck pain in the form of a dull ache, which sometimes worsens with movement. Others may experience numbness, tingling, tenderness, shooting pain, dizziness, and lymph node swelling. If the neck pain is caused by a pinched nerve, it may occur in conjunction with headache, face pain, and shoulder pain. Most treatment plans for neck pain involve rest, hot or cold therapy, physical therapy, and pain-relieving medication. Physical therapy for neck pain may include manual therapy (manipulation and massage), ultrasound, and specific exercises to strengthen the neck, restore range of motion, and address the underlying cause. Alternative medicine techniques such as acupuncture and pressure point therapy may be beneficial. Most people suffering from neck pain see symptom relief with non-surgical treatment. However, depending on the cause of the neck pain and its responsiveness to treatment, surgery may be necessary.