An extremely common condition affecting about two thirds of all people, cervicalgia is non-radiating neck pain that can range from mild to severe discomfort. Symptoms include constant pain, stiffness, and/or tenderness in the neck, shoulders, or upper back; pain that worsens when the head is rotated; and headaches. Many conditions can cause cervicalgia, including inflammation, arthritis, degenerative disc disease, muscle strain, stress, ligament sprain, tight muscles, and poor posture (e.g., letting the head tilt forward on the neck as opposed to keeping it directly above the neck). Typically, cervicalgia will go away in a few days or weeks with treatment that includes rest and ice (or heat depending on how long the pain lasts). However, some cases of cervicalgia may last for months or be painful enough to require professional medical attention. (If cervicalgia occurs as a result of an injury, medical attention may immediately necessary.) Physical therapy, therapeutic massage, and focused stretching exercises can help to alleviate pain and restore range of motion. Acupuncture, electrical stimulation, and trigger point therapy also may be beneficial to facilitate recovery. Some cases of cervicalgia can be prevented by ensuring proper ergonomics (i.e., when sitting at a desk, the chair should support the lower back, the feet should rest flat on the floor with knees bent at right angles, and the arms should rest on the desktop, if that’s where the keyboard is.)