Professional footwear recommendations can reduce pain and improve function for people suffering from a number of foot-related issues, including arch pain, bunions, calluses, diabetic neuropathy, hammertoes, Morton’s neuroma, plantar fasciitis, pronation, Sever’s disease, toenail problems, and turf toe. The right footwear also can enhance athletic performance, endurance, and agility. Proper footwear is especially important for runners, because without it, runners are at risk for developing stress fractures, joint pain, Achilles tendinitis, patellofemoral pain syndrome, and hip bursitis. A physical therapist or physician who specializes in treating runners may be the best resource for identifying the right footwear based on foot type and gait. A professional footwear recommendation will begin with a thorough analysis of an individual’s foot and gait. This will help the footwear professional provide a footwear recommendation that actually meets the individual’s needs. In some cases, custom orthotic footwear may be necessary. Depending on the condition, this type of shoe may include extra room in the toes, a padded tongue to reduce pressure on the top of the foot, extra cushioning around the collar, a heel stabilizer to minimize the chances of slipping, insoles that wick away moisture, a steel shank to increase stability and support, and a wide base.