There are varying degrees of whiplash, ranging from mild to severe. While it is most commonly linked to automotive accidents, it also can result from physical abuse (e.g., being shaken or punched) or sports-related injuries. Because their necks are typically weaker than men’s, women are more prone to suffering a whiplash injury. Those suffering from whiplash can reduce the pain using over-the-counter pain relief medications and ice, but in some cases, physical therapy may be necessary. While most people recover from whiplash in a matter of weeks, it can develop into a chronic condition. In some cases, chronic pain related to whiplash may actually result from damage to the joints, disks, or ligaments of the neck. The symptoms of whiplash typically begin within a day following injury. These symptoms include pain and stiffness in the neck, headaches (especially at the base of the skull), impaired vision, dizziness, and tiredness. Other, less common symptoms are problems with memory and concentration, ringing in the ears, irregular sleep patterns or disruptions, and irritability. If the pain spreads to the arms or shoulders or makes it difficult to move your head, or if you feel numbness, tingling, or weakness in your arms, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible.