Similar to traditional acupuncture, electric acupuncture—or electroacupuncture—involves the use of an electrical current. Following the same principles as regular acupuncture, electroacupuncture stimulates the same points. However, the acupuncturist does not have to be as precise with the placement of the needles because the electrical current emanates to a much larger area than just the needle itself. Once the needles are in place, the acupuncturist attaches them to a device that emits short, continuous electrical pulses between the needles. The strength and frequency of the pulses can be adjusted based on the patient’s condition. Those who provide this treatment believe it is effective in treating pain and restoring general health and wellness. There has been some scientific research suggesting that electroacupuncture may be particularly effective in reducing chemotherapy-induced nausea or vomiting, especially in the first day after treatment. Other studies have examined the effectiveness of electroacupuncture in the treatment of neurological conditions, skin conditions, and muscle spasms. However, it is still considered a form of alternative medicine. While practitioners who provide this treatment say patients typically do not experience physical pain during the procedure, some patients feel a tingling sensation during treatment. They also may experience some very minor bruising or bleeding.