Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (or TENS) is used to treat chronic and acute pain. A light electric current is delivered to the skin by strategically placed electrodes, blocking the pain sensation process. TENS is also thought to stimulate the body’s release of endorphins, further eliminating pain and increasing overall wellbeing.
  • TheraFit
    TheraFit is a compression garment used in lymphedema management. It was designed by healthcare professionals as an alternative to the typical multi-layer bandaging traditionally seen in treatment. The compression is adjustable and the TheraFit fabric is super soft and moisture-wicking without compromising circulation stimulation, made of medical-grade materials.
  • Throwing Program
    A throwing program is a program designed specifically for baseball players to strengthen and ready their arms for in-season rigors while avoiding injury. It involves strength training, throwing drills, and stretches with strategically planned rest days to prevent overuse. Typically the exercises will vary in speed and distance from the target involving different throwing techniques.
  • Traction therapy (including manual and mechanical)
    Traction therapy is a physical therapy technique used for pain relief and postural correction. Traction removes pressure on joints and bones by a manual (by hand) or mechanical (by machine) pulling on the body, with a counterforce, to stretch, lengthen, and align the bones and joints. Manual or mechanical traction is typically paired with exercise in physical therapy.
  • Trigger Point Therapy
    Trigger therapy (a.k.a neuromuscular therapy) is performed to relieve pain by osteopaths, athletic trainers, chiropractors, and massage or physical therapists. Trigger points are sometimes referred to as muscular “knots.” Common characteristics of trigger points are radiating pain, and referred pain. Referred pain presents itself in a part of the body seemingly unrelated to a trigger point, especially when pressed.
  • Ultrasound and Phonophoresis
    Ultrasound is commonly used as a physical therapy technique to relieve pain, increase mobility, and improve the healing process in soft tissue injuries. The ultrasound waves provide a deep heat to muscles, tendons, and ligaments to improve circulation and relax the affected tissue. Phonophoresis refers to topical medication application with ultrasound waves.
  • Upper Extremity Therapy
    Upper extremity therapy is typically provided by an occupational therapist (OT). It’s a form of treatment for people faced with dysfunctions (due to injury or disease) affecting the fingers, hands, wrists, elbows, forearms and shoulders. OTs also go through mental health education to provide a holistic approach to patient care.
  • Vestibular Therapy, Training, and Rehabilitation
    The vestibular system involves the inner ear—specifically as it relates to balance. If the vestibular system is injured, or compromised due to a condition, a person will experience balance issues, dizziness, coordination problems, and often times— nausea. Vestibular training, therapy, and rehabilitation, are exercised-based programs that retrain the vestibular system to function normally without physical compensation.
  • Video Analysis
    Video analysis has several different applications. When applied to sports, coaches and athletes can use video footage to correct and analyze performances to adjust or highlight proper technique. With the ability to mark errors and specific plays in the video, the athletes and coaches can look in depth at performance and practice.
  • Visual Perceptual and Visual Motor Skills Training
    Visual perceptual and visual motor skills training can help a child to understand, recognize, and analyze what he or she is seeing. Coordination of eye movement and hand movement can also be improved with the training. Visual perceptual and visual motor skill training is normally relative to children and is provided by an occupational therapist.